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The global Pharmaceutical industry covers all elements of therapeutic medicine and science, including both human health and animal health, consumer health, nutraceuticals and agricultural science.

Our understanding of this small molecule focussed sector and the global presence it has from R&D through to brand management and surveillance, along with lived in experience enables us to understand the requirements on talent to be successful in this industry.

Since the 1990’s, the traditional Pharmaceutical sector has seen ever-increasing costs of bringing new drugs through Research and Clinical Development; and ever-tightening regulations which have created a range of challenges that have needed to be met head-on.

This has seen a huge shift following ‘mega-mergers’, acquisitions, asset sales, and restructures, to become more focused and specialised within key Therapeutic Areas.  Much of the traditional work has been outsourced to the Service sector such as CROs and CDMOs, where greater expertise can be levied with lower cost, and now Pharma have become leaner, more agile and innovative in their approach to modern drug development.

The Pharmaceutical sector is still and will continue to be the huge engine behind the Life Sciences sector with huge commercial revenues generating next generation drug development.